Can you believe May has come to an end? What does that mean? Well we've made it through Cheer Tryouts... Congratulations to everyone that made a team placement and if you didn't that is okay too. Remember there is always next year and you should never give up. It also means your school year has ended or the end is insight. Finals are over and we can finally breathe.Phewww It also means summer time which means Soffe time! Don't forget to check out all the latest styles and colors at
As for me I am excited to say this school year has been very rewarding finishing my first semester of college at 16 years old with a 4.0 gpa and making the Dean's list, I will be cheering another all star season with C4 Longhorns out of Dallas, GA, Super excited to be coaching another year for my mini level 1 team "Mini Silver" as well, My new journey begins in June because I have been excepted into the volunteer program through Children's Healthcare of Atlanta which I am very excited about working at the hospital on Mondays and Thursday mornings, leaving for Tocca, GA for a week in June to attend "RUSH" what an amazing experience it is year after year, also working "Surge" a youth church camp, of course soooooooo looking forward to my trip to NY thank you SOFFE!!!, and yes there is more.... In July I will be representing the "Southern States" in the USA National pageant in Atlanta, competing for the Georgia State title at National American Miss, and competing for the International Title of Miss Teen Galaxy. Wow now that's a summer... believe it or not I am sure I forgot something in between.
I share this with you because I want to encourage everyone to step out side of the box. If sitting by the pool is what you want to do with your summer that's great but if you have some events or activities or goals you want to accomplish yet something is holding you back.. Don't let it!! Reach for your dreams! Reach out to your community they need you!
Good Luck and enjoy your summer!!!
Brittany Deaville
"Fresh Face of Soffe 2012"
Summer with Brittany (Soffe Fresh Face Winner)
- Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2012
- Labels: cheer, fun, Soffe, team, tryouts
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