So much goes into becoming a successful cheerleader. There's so much more to it than spirit fingers and tumbling passes.
Not only are you the wind beneath a crowd, you're a role model to countless people. Cheerleaders can't quit, and it's one of the toughest sports around. Injuries happen. Competition is part of it. It's our job to fight through the pain.
We go through hours of practice, camps, tryouts and rehearsals before taking the stage or sideline. Weekends are routinely filled with competitions or more prep work for the next meet. When CHEERSPORT National championships roll around, it's time to hit the road to Atlanta.
Nobody said it was easy, but being a cheerleader is totally worth it.
Our squadmates become like family and so many people benefit from cheer volunteer work. We learn what it takes to be a responsible adult thanks to a stringent schedule. We become better students and, overall, people because of it.
Soffe knows you're proud to be a cheerleader. That's why we're behind you all the way. Just know that when cheer life gets you down, you've always got support with Soffe. And hey, if you're living the cheer lifestyle, you know how important cheerleading practice shorts can be.
Keep cheering!
Soffe | For Cheerleaders!
- Date: Thursday, May 3, 2012
- Labels: cheer
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